Formula 303 Review

I've suffered from TMJ three years ago and only Formula 303 cured it. Formula 303 is a product that I've found from the website. I was searching for natural muscle relaxers and saw some very good reviews for Formula 303. At that time, my jaw is hurting so badly because of TMJ.

TMJ is called temporomandibular joint disorder that affects the jaws. I got mine because my job was so stressful. Stress contributes to TMJ because it makes you clench your teeth several times a day. When you're asleep, you also clench or grind your teeth subconsciously. So in the morning, I felt my muscles fatigued and stressed out even more.

I've been to a doctor and I was diagnosed with TMJ. He suggested that I should rest my jaws and make sure that my muscles are relaxed. I thought, how am I going to teach my jaw to relax? Then he suggested that I buy Formula 303.

Formula 303 has natural components, such as valerian root, passiflora, and magnesium carbonate. It comes in a tablet form that you should take two tablets with your meals and another two 45 minutes before you sleep. Because my jaw is hurting like crazy, I tried taking the tablets every three hours.

It worked like a charm!

Before taking Formula 303, I would wake up fatigued with my jaw sore. My husband attributed it to teeth grinding while I was asleep. (He should know, right?). After taking Formula 303, my sleeping patterns became more peaceful. My husband said that he didn't hear me grinding my teeth anymore. As a result, my jaw was more relaxed and didn't hurt.

Formula 303 really worked for my TMJ; I feel that it will work with any condition that involves muscle spasms, tension, or stress. Formula 303 is the best natural muscle relaxer there is and I always make sure that I have some of it in my medicine cabinet.